and now we got another free txt service via web.
yes, all you need to do is sign up.
and then you can send any messages for free.
you can check out their site at
Im still trying it out, my sister informed me last night about this free txting service and im kinda curious about it, on how it is very effective.
well, compare to , im very disappointed coz the service is buggy. Im not sure if it works properly or if the receiver got my message tru email.
here in WAPOT they have a feature that you will be informed that the message has been received by the recipient. well im post more review soon about the service.
im here at home, skipped class. so tired and my body is like a log, and my thighs are seems so heavy.
i think i need a break and have to rest for a while.
ehehehe. its our town fiesta here in Santolan, Pasig. thats why Im here.
food fest oh yeah!